Annie's Crannies
Welcome to Annie's Crannies

Thank you for visiting our site!  I hope you enjoy the informative history pages and photos.  If you're in the
area checking out the fall foliage and the signs are up, come on by and view life on our bog in Dennis, Mass.  
We might just put you to work cleaning your own berries on our antique screening equipment.  See how we
turn the bees’ kiss of the cranberry blossoms into spun honey and beeswax candles.  
Click here or the
picture to the right to purchase Annie's Crannies Gift Boxes, fresh cranberries, and to see most of the
products we sell in our gift shop.
Annie's Crannies Gift Box
Gift Shop

Our gift shop is open during the harvest season, October through mid-November.  Our inventory of fresh fruit
is limited so check this website for an update of our harvest schedule and come early.  Although fresh fruit is
our staple product, it is the Bogside Honey, Beeswax Candles, Jams, Cranberry Recipes, Soaps and Annies'
Crannies Gift Boxes that makes our gift shop unique.  All our products are made, packaged, and shipped
right from our bogside barn.
Gift Stand
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Annie's Crannies Dry Harvest
Annie's Crannies Logo
Located in historic Dennis,
Cape Cod MA birthplace of
the cultivated cranberry!
Annie's Crannies on America's Heartland!

Select the following link to see us featured in the America's Heartland Thanksgiving Webisode on cranberry farming (5 minutes) of 2013. Or view
the full 24 minute
Thanksgiving Special Webisode on family farming in America.
GIFT SHOP HOURS 9a-5p Saturday and Sunday Starting Columbus Day Weekend!


See Sept/Oct '21 issue of Yankee Magazine "31 Perfect Fall Days", page 91!!

From Broadway to Cranberry Bogs and
The Future of Cranberry Farming in
Massachusetts on Chronicle 5 WCVB 10/29/2020.